I had an experience in this class of being felt, seen and heard when my drawing partner in California had us dancing in the moonlight. For me, it was profound and I never forget it.
New York
The last drawing I did felt like the culmination of a year of doing Genesis Art. It was something I went into thinking if it works great, it is doesn’t fine. A poem opened the door to recalling a children’s poem that I would have loved to illustrate. It gave me the confidence. Not only was this drawing good. I loved doing it. It expressed everything that I am, including my quirky sense of humor. That’s what art is to me. The total value of art is that it shows that Liane’s work is Liane’s, that my art is mine.
Growth, development and bonding —had do you put a value on it?
By doing Genesis Art you get to see yourself, but its a different version than what you’re used to.
To get any results that create a wow, that is so cool. With Genesis Art, that’s my heart on paper.
San Francisco

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