Join a Workshop

The Calderon Family was reunited with Ofer after his release from Gaza last Shabbos and drawing them from a photograph I used the special Genesis Art technique to get under the skin and feel like I’m in the huddle with them. I didn’t know how much I needed that hug till now! If you feel this way too, and want to try your hand drawing the hostages as they return into the arms of their families, I have two upcoming workshops this February with limited space as I like to keep the workshops small and intimate.

Thursday Feb 13th, 2:00-4:00 pm in Haifa

Monday Feb 17th, 1:00-3:00 pm in Jerusalem

100 nis in advance, 120 nis on the day.

Please PM to reserve your spot and for location details

Bring your own sketchpad, and if you have, your favorite art supplies. Otherwise, we’ve got you covered!


To see what past workshops look like both in Israel and Japan, scroll below…


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